18 06 2024

The design of the book Rachadouro Cloister of Alcobaça Monastery

Carvalho Bernau Porto, July 18th, 2024

We had the opportunity to learn about the process and the outcome of Claustro do Rachadouro through the lens of André Príncipe. We were inspired by the simplicity and restraint of the project that represents a unique definition of luxury.

Our book design was guided by three main principles: the heritage of the monument and the monastic bookmaking practices; and the minimalist aesthetic of the project.

We adapted a Cistercian manuscript page model to fit the given format of the series and a contemporary reading architecture. Subverting the manuscript canons, we combined the typefaces Arnhem and Modern Gothic for the Portuguese and English languages, which helped us create a two-column layout reminiscent of European medieval manuscripts. This layout was inspired by the practice of leaving space for decorative initials, much like the placeholder letter used by scribes in the past. This concept resonated with the architecture project and added an interesting narrative to the book's design.

To reproduce the dense and often dark images, we selected a coated paper with texture, with a matte and bulky quality to avoid contrasting too much with the uncoated paper chosen for the text pages and the architects' drawings. The layout of the image pages alternates casually between the layout of the text pages, and a more contemporary page structure, with smaller and equal margins.